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10/02/2023, Kategorija: Tehnoloģijas
Autors: Mediju materiāls

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are two different things. However, they come hand in hand because the result of designing a user interface is user experience.

If you are a beginner, there are certain fundamentals that you have to understand. We will discuss these design prerogatives today and help you map out your journey to UX and UI.

What is UX Design?

User experience refers to what the user feels while and after using a product. Today, this term is commonly used in designing websites and apps.

The idea behind this movement is that the experience has to meet underlying principles of human-first philosophy.
In this regard, the designer must think of the following things:

• Ease of use
• Quality of interaction
• Relevant and meaningful experience

Generally speaking, the design encompasses the overall experience of the user. It has nothing to do with colours only or what kinds of fonts you use.

What is UI Design?

User interface design, on the other hand, refers to how your website or app looks like. The word “interface” deals with how a consumer uses the product. It also deals with how he navigates his way to find what he needs.
The user interface has branched out into several forms, such as GUI, VUI, and gesture-based interfaces. An interface is what a consumer sees—it is what makes the consumer able to “communicate” or control the app or product.

GUI stands for the graphical user interface. All websites and apps have these, and examples of GUI are things that a consumer can click or tap. In a game like classic slots online, the GUI is where a person can adjust his bet or spin the reels.

VUI refers to the voice user interface. All it takes is for a consumer to say something to issue a command. Gesture-based interface refers to how some mobile devices and apps do something if a user performed some kind of movement.

Tools for UX and UI Designers

Below is a collection of designing tools in this industry. These tools are easy to use. They should, as it would be ironic if they do not meet the basic requirements of UX and UI.


It has a library of symbols, layers, text styles, and alignment features. All these features will help you create a smooth-flowing design that you can save and import as your prototype. One great thing about Sketch is that it allows many integrations with third-party apps that can improve your output.


This one has a full suite of applications that allow you to bring your idea to life. You can even create a simple animation with this tool. One thing that sets it apart is you can collaborate with others in a team. The team members on a project can edit and make documented changes.


Proto is a tool that allows you to create a prototype that feels real. The tool has a complete suite of tools to produce a design that has mockups. You can use these mockups to test the design itself, not just as an aesthetic representation of the product you are developing.

Like the previous tool, it allows you to share the project with team members. The collaboration features grant access to members to make edits and document a different version.

Adobe XD

Adobe is the king of all design programs and XD is particularly great for creating vector-type mockups. People who want to design interfaces can use the software to create mockups and prototypes.

The tool, like Photoshop, is teeming with features. Since Adobe made it, one can also expect that it is going to provide updates and upgrades on a regular basis.

How to Get Good at UX and UI

To improve your skills in both UX and UI, you have to get in the zone and develop some habits. Below are some examples.

• Always read – subscribe to design channels on YouTube and blogs.
• Understand psychology – read articles and books about user experience; understand what makes it difficult for people to use a certain product.
• Get people to test your prototype – involve people and ask them to use your prototype. Get their feedback and make changes. Do not insist on your design if people find it difficult to use.
• Create your own design – there are many templates for UX and UI. Do not get tempted to just copy them. Make it a point that you create your own.

If you are just starting out, you can take a design and edit it, or give it your own spin. However, you must gear away from this as you progress. The only way to improve your skill is to do things that came from your own ideas.
There are many jobs you can get if you are good at designing. For example, you can work at gaming companies that make real money slots. You can design the controls to give users the best experience. Just ensure that you do what you can to improve your skills because UX and UI evolve.

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